
Publications & Resources


Property Theft in Guatemala

Property theft is a problem that affects thousands of owners in Guatemala every year. Criminal organizations are involved in fraudulently obtaining real estate.

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#Newsletters 2023

Guatemala: New Migration Policy

The new National Migratory Policy will manage the origin, return, transit and destination of migrants in the country in an effective and human rights-based manner.

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#Newsletters 2023

Minimum Wage 2024

Recently, Governmental Agreement No. 307-2023 was published, which set the minimum wage for economic activities for the year 2024in Guatemala.

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#Newsletters 2023

Guatemala: Rule of Law

One month after the first round of elections, the judicialization of the results of the electoral process has caused an institutional crisis that threatens the Rule of Law and democracy in Guatemala.

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#Newsletters 2023

World Intellectual Property

We celebrate the World Intellectual Property (IP) Day on April 26. In commemoration, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held its celebrations around the "Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity" subject.

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#Newsletters 2023

Customs and tax updates

The Ministry of Economy of Guatemala announced that at the beginning of April of 2023, a new measure for intra-regional trade will be implemented. The charge for the transmission of the Single Central American Declaration (DUCA)[1], specifically the DUCA-F, will now be US$ 3.00

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#Newsletters 2023

Elections are Underway

The Guatemalan Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) published the Decree 1-2023, in which it summoned the citizens of all the electoral districts of the country to participate in the General Elections.

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#Newsletters 2023

Guatemala: Investment Opportunities in Electric Mobility

The opportunities to invest in renewable energy are increasing in Guatemala. Besides being a good business opportunity, they are good for the environment. If you are interested in investing in charging stations for electric vehicles in the country, this information is for you.

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#Newsletters 2023

The Importance of Women in Society

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th. This is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the ongoing struggle for gender equality, equity, justice, peace, and development for women. It serves as a focal point for action to promote women's rights and to celebrate their significant contributions to society, the economy, politics, community, academia, and daily life.

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#Newsletters 2023

Trends and investment opportunities in the energy sector

In February we attended the conference: "Renpower Central America and the Caribbean", where we learned about new trends in the region's energy and renewable energy markets, the challenges facing the countries, several investment opportunities, and news updates.

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#Newsletters 2023

Corruption Perception Index 2022

The CPI is the world's leading corruption ranking. The scores are calculated based on at least three data sources, provided by various prestigious institutions, such as the World Bank and the World Economic Forum, amongst others.

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#Newsletters 2023

Corn Import Tariff Exemption

The impact of the international situation has not only been reflected in the availability of basic grains, but also in products such as fertilizer, natural gas, consumer goods, oil and other fuels, amongst others.

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#Newsletters 2023

Environmental Compliance: Extension to Process Environmental Instruments

An extraordinary 22-month extension was granted on December 2, 2022, so that the already existing projects, constructions, industries, or activities that produce changes to the environments may present the corrective environmental instrument. The new deadline is September 27, 2024. Furthermore, it was also extended to the same date the term to obtain the environmental license.

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#Newsletters 2023

Minimum Wage 2023

On December 23, 2022, Governmental Agreement No. 353-2022 was published, which set the minimum wage for economic activities for the year 2023,

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Principles that Protect the Taxpayer

These principles are the guarantees that the citizens have against the arbitrariness of the State when decreeing ordinary and extraordinary taxes, excise taxes and special contributions, or when interpreting the application of the rules that regulate them.

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Judicial default: a crisis in the entire Justice system

Judicial delay is the failure to meet legal deadlines, which contradicts the right to be judged in a reasonable time. This implies that the work in the courts accumulates, its staff is overloaded, and, therefore, delays justice, for months, or in some cases, for years.

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Three keys to understanding the Opportunity Criteria

What happens when an individual or legal entity commits a crime? Does it have to face the traditional criminal process, or are there alternative measures to de-judicialize it? Today we share with you an interesting solution: the Opportunity Criteria. Here are three keys to understand it.

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#Newsletter 2022

Tax Updates

On October 14, 2022, Government Agreement 245-2022 was published, which amends article 30 of the Value Added Tax Law Regulations -IVA-.

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#Newsletter 2022

The Electric Mobility Incentives Law

The Electric Mobility Incentives Law (the Law) entered into force on August 27. The purpose of said Law is the facilitation and promotion of the importation, sale, purchase and use of electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, hydrogen vehicles and generally the electric transportation...

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#Newsletter 2022

Quotation ANADIE-001-2022 NOG 17859298

The National Agency of Alliances for the Development of Economic Infrastructure -ANADIE- extends an invitation to all individuals or legal entities, legally authorized to operate in the country whose business is to perform Business Advisory Activities and in Management Matters; to submit their bids according to request and the quotation bases...

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Transparency in the management of public finances

Transparency in the management of public finances refers to the need and obligation for state institutions to publicly and periodically disclose, either ex officio or upon request, information on the amount of their revenues and budgets, the assets they manage, the contracts they sign and the way in which they invest or spend public funds...

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#Newsletter 2022


Newsletter #136/August 2022
The National Electrical Energy Commission approved the terms of an Open Tender to Contract Power and Electrical Energy for the Supply of Users of the Final Distribution Service,

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The Legal Status of Cryptocurrencies in Guatemala

Welcome to #FreshStartMonday!
Cryptocurrencies are part of a digital payment system that does not rely on banks to verify the transactions made, being decentralized. It is known to be a peer-to-peer system, which allows anyone anywhere in the world to send and receive payments immediately.

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#Newsletter 2022

Approval of the Insolvency Law

Newsletter #132 / January 2022
The purpose of the Law is to “regulate insolvency, its content covers the Reorganization Plan, the Registry of Insolvency Proceedings and Administrators...

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#Newsletter 2022

SAT Control Plan for 2022

Newsletter #131 / January 2022
The Tax Administration (SAT) held a press conference to present the Results for 2021 and the Examination Plan for the year 2022

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Ready to Get Back to "Normal"?

Welcome to #FreshStartMonday!
After two years of surviving a pandemic, it seems that sanitary measures have relaxed globally, and we are heading towards the "normality" we have longed for.

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Macroeconomic Indicators

Welcome to #FreshStartMonday!

To our clients and friends, we are pleased to share some macroeconomic indicators. These indicators were prepared based on information published as of December 31st, 2021 and in some cases based on the information published as of March 31st 2022.

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Victim right to reparation

Welcome to #FreshStartMonday!

The Guatemalan criminal justice system was created to judge, punish, and compensate the damage caused to a legal right protected by the Constitution.

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#Boletines 2021

Minimum Wage 2022

Newsletter #126 / December 2021
Governmental Agreement 278-2021 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security establishes the minimum wage for 2022.

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#Boletines 2021

Preventive Measures

Newsletter #127 / December 2021

Given that in recent weeks there has been a sustained decrease in the number of COVID-19 positive cases, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance has considered overruling the following provisions....

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