
Guatemala: Results for the First Round of Elections


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On June 25, 2023, presidential, legislative, municipal, and Central American Parliament (Parlacen) elections were held in Guatemala.
According to preliminary electoral results published by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), through the Computer Program for the Transmission of Preliminary Results (Trep), as of June 29, 2023, there is a progress of 99.1% of processed records (121,227 out of 122,293), reflecting a participation rate of 60.5% in the elections. You can access the results at this link.
The preliminary results for the presidential and vice-presidential election show a total of 5,557,273 valid votes cast (100%), of which 388,442 (6.9%) were left blank and 966,389 (17.4%) were invalid.
For the presidential election, the Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE) party, which nominated Sandra Torres, obtained 881,592 (15.9%) votes, and the Movimiento Semilla party, which nominates Bernardo Arévalo, obtained 654,534 (11.7%) votes. Both will compete in a runoff on Sunday, August 20, 2023.
Social was founded in 2002 and governed Guatemala between 2007 and 2011. This will be the third consecutive time that Torres competes in the presidential runoff. Movimiento Semilla was founded in 2018, and this is the second time in which they are running for public office. Arévalo is one of the party's founder and currently serves as a congressman.
Six days after the elections, nine political parties that were dissatisfied with the results filed a injunction (amparo) before the Constitutional Court (CC), claiming that there were anomalies in the vote count and requesting a new review.
On July 1, the CC ordered a review process of the electoral boards (case file 3731-2023), and to date, officers from different parties claim that no substantial changes have been foreseen in the preliminarily announced results.
It is expected that the TSE will officially certify the results and issue the corresponding call for the second round of elections on August 20, 2023, thus ensuring that the alternation in the exercise of power takes place on the scheduled date in the Constitution of the Republic.