
Publications & Resources


Upcoming Environmental Regulations in Guatemala

Guatemala es uno de los 10 países más vulnerables ante los efectos del cambio climático. Los fenómenos climáticos extremos, junto con la rápida deforestación, contaminación de aguas y degradación de suelos, comprometen la calidad de vida y actividades económicas clave del país.

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7 Keys to Strengthen Your Supply Chain

2024 has presented new challenges for supply chains in Guatemala and the region. In June, Quetzal Port (puerto Quetzal), one of the country's most important seaports located on the Pacific Ocean, came close to losing the operation of one of its container terminals.

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Property Theft in Guatemala

Property theft is a problem that affects thousands of owners in Guatemala every year. Criminal organizations are involved in fraudulently obtaining real estate.

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How to Start a Fintech in Guatemala

In the digital era, these solutions have grown considerably due to the advantages they offer companies and users in their day-to-day operations for payments, money transfers, invoicing, financing, among other functions.

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Judicial default: a crisis in the entire Justice system

Judicial delay is the failure to meet legal deadlines, which contradicts the right to be judged in a reasonable time. This implies that the work in the courts accumulates, its staff is overloaded, and, therefore, delays justice, for months, or in some cases, for years.

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Transparency in the management of public finances

Transparency in the management of public finances refers to the need and obligation for state institutions to publicly and periodically disclose, either ex officio or upon request, information on the amount of their revenues and budgets, the assets they manage, the contracts they sign and the way in which they invest or spend public funds...

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Ready to Get Back to "Normal"?

Welcome to #FreshStartMonday!
After two years of surviving a pandemic, it seems that sanitary measures have relaxed globally, and we are heading towards the "normality" we have longed for.

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