
Publications & Resources


Macroeconomic Indicators

Welcome to #FreshStartMonday!

To our clients and friends, we are pleased to share some macroeconomic indicators. These indicators were prepared based on information published as of December 31st, 2021 and in some cases based on the information published as of March 31st 2022.

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Victim right to reparation

Welcome to #FreshStartMonday!

The Guatemalan criminal justice system was created to judge, punish, and compensate the damage caused to a legal right protected by the Constitution.

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#Boletines 2021

Minimum Wage 2022

Newsletter #126 / December 2021
Governmental Agreement 278-2021 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security establishes the minimum wage for 2022.

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#Boletines 2021

Preventive Measures

Newsletter #127 / December 2021

Given that in recent weeks there has been a sustained decrease in the number of COVID-19 positive cases, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance has considered overruling the following provisions....

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