
Tax Administration Will Audit Business’ during the Holidays

Newsletter #157

The head of the Tax Administration (SAT), Marco Livio Díaz Reyes, and the Intendant of Auditing, Óscar Hernández, announced the "Massive Tax Presence Plan" that will be carried out during the last weeks of the year in different businesses throughout the country.

The goal of this project is to ensure taxpayers' compliance with their fiscal obligations, given that during the holidays there is a significant increase in the number of transactions. The SAT will mainly audit companies that are considered to have a higher volume of sales in December.

The Plan of Massive Fiscal Presence foresees the execution of 27,000 audits in 22 departments nationwide. New digital tools will be used to corroborate taxpayers' information in real time.

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Upcoming Environmental Regulations in Guatemala

Guatemala es uno de los 10 países más vulnerables ante los efectos del cambio climático. Los fenómenos climáticos extremos, junto con la rápida deforestación, contaminación de aguas y degradación de suelos, comprometen la calidad de vida y actividades económicas clave del país.

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