Newsletter #136 / August 2022
Through Decision CNEE 118-2022 dated May 10, 2022, the National Electrical Energy Commission (CNEE, due to its acronym in the Spanish language), approved the terms of Tender PEG-4-2022, which consists of an Open Tender to Contract Power and Electrical Energy for the Supply of Users of the Final Distribution Service, which intends to contract 235MW of Guaranteed Power and to set long-terms contracts to meet the demands of the distributors in Guatemala (Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala, S. A. and ENERGUATE)[1].
According to Decision CNEE 118-2022, the supply start dates may be May 1, 2026, May 1, 2027, or May 1, 2028. This will be covered with a minimum of 50% guaranteed power for New Plants with Renewable Resources, and with a maximum of 50% for Plants with Non-Renewable Resources. Such percentage will be from the total power requirement of the distributors. Therefore, New Plants with Renewable Resources will be prioritized because they must cover at least 50% of 235MW.
The supply term for new generation plants can only be for 15 years and for generation plants in operation can only start as of May 1, 2026 and the award period can be for a maximum of 4 years.
Interested parties may obtain for US $10,000.00 the tender documents at the headquarters of the Distributors. The Renewable Distributed Generation Generators may do so for US $3,000.00.
National Electrical Energy Commission. Decision CNEE 118-2022. Guatemala 10 de mayo de 2022.
For further information please contact:
- María de Lourdes Villanueva maria.villanueva@carrillolaw.com
- Ricardo Recinos Tiu ricardo.recinos@carrillolaw.com
- Gabriel Cabrera gabriel.cabrera@carrillolaw.com
[1] Prensa Libre: https://www.prensalibre.com/economia/licitaran-235-megavatios-para-abastecer-a-las-distribuidoras-electricas-que-operan-en-el-pais-con-contratos-de-largo-plazo/