On December 27th 2024, Governmental Agreement No. 264-2024 was published, which set the minimum wage for economic activities for 2025. The new wage that entered into effect on January 1st 2025, is as follows:
For Economic District 1 (CE1), limited to the department of Guatemala, the following minimum wages were agreed upon:
For Economic District 2 (CE2), which includes the rest of the departments that make up Guatemala, the following minimum wages were determined:
If wages are calculated on an hourly basis, the proportional part will be paid depending on the amount of hours worked.
In addition to setting the minimum wage, the Governmental Agreement also established the following enforcement measures:
- The General Labor Inspectorate must verify compliance with the payment of the minimum wage fixed by activity and economic district.
- Employers must have updated records according to the usual line of business and location of their workplaces.
- The amount fixed to be applied for the payment of the minimum wage is governed and determined by the place where the work center is located.
- In no case shall workers who earn by piecework or piece-rate pay be adversely affected.
- In addition to the minimum wage set, as appropriate, the worker shall be paid the incentive bonus established in Decree No. 78-89 of the Congress of the Republic .[3].
- Among others.
The Agreement entered into effect on January 1st 2025. For further information, please contact:
[1] Agricultural activities shall mean the activities included in section A of part three of the International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities (ISIC) Revision four, of the United Nations Organization.
[2] Non-agricultural activities shall mean the activities included in sections B to U of the third part of the aforementioned classification, as far as the private sector is concerned.
[3] The minimum amount of the incentive bonus is Q.250.00 per month.