Newsletter #140: The importance of lawyers
“Advocacy is hard work at the service of Justice"
– Eduardo Couture
On September 24, Guatemala celebrates going from. Today, we recall the different roles that lawyers and our law firm play in society.
Lawyers have a key role in promoting social order, the administration of the law and the attainment of justice, acting as judges, consultants, public officials, as well as legal advisors.
As lawyers, we must ensure strict compliance with the Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala and the legal system. Moreover, we must observe the principles and ethical rules, which are, among others, stipulated in the Code of Ethics of the Guatemalan Bar Association. The Code of Ethics indicates that we must direct our professional development to "achieve the fair, peaceful, harmonious and functional coexistence of the social conglomerate"[1].
The Code of Ethics also contains a list of principles that represent the ethical and moral qualities that all lawyers must possess, including integrity, decorum, prudence, loyalty, independence, truthfulness, legality, efficiency, and solidarity. It also contains general rules of the practice of law, such as the freedom to accept cases, the moral obligation towards justice, confidentiality, impartiality in the defense of the matters submitted to his or her sponsorship, among others.
The Judicial Branch Law establishes that the obligations of lawyers also include: to keep procedural loyalty; to behave in their public and professional conduct with decency, honorability, and decorum; to plead without failing to the truth of the facts, or against the legal provisions; to defend, free of charge, those declared poor, etc.
At Carrillo & Asociados we are proud to be lawyers in Guatemala. We know that the context in which we operate is a major challenge, but we strive to serve our clients in a unique way, under our methodology of working “Carrillo’s way”. That is to say, we are always guided by our principles and values, focused on integrity and professional ethics. We seek to provide solutions with high added value, legal certainty, and peace of mind.
We are honored by the opportunity and the trust placed in us, Happy Lawyer's Day to all our colleagues!
[1] Third recital of the Code of Ethics of the Guatemalan Bar Association.