
Quotation ANADIE-001-2022 NOG 17859298

Newsletter #138: Quotation ANADIE 001-2022 NOG 17859298

The National Agency of Alliances for the Development of Economic Infrastructure -ANADIE- (Purchasing Unit) extends an invitation to all individuals or legal entities, legally authorized to operate in the country whose business is to perform Business Advisory Activities and in Management Matters (Consulting Firms); to submit their bids according to request and the quotation bases, link attached to this newsletter.
The invitation to participate in the quotation event consists in the: "Complementary study of the pre-construction phase for the vehicle census of the communities in the area of influence of the Project: "Rehabilitation, Administration, Operation, Maintenance and Complementary Works of the Escuintla-Puerto Quetzal Highway with Toll Collection"[1]
The consultancy consists of the elaboration of a vehicle census that will have as purpose the quantification of the number of current vehicles located in each one of the houses of the communities described in the ACERCA[2]plan, the ages of the inhabitants of the houses will have to be evaluated in order to establish who are close to being active drivers (older than 14 years old) to establish a projected growth rate in order to have a data of the amount of vehicles that could grow in an established time horizon the vehicle park of the communities of the area of influence of the Project.
All interested parties must submit their bids as established in the ANADIE - 001 - 2022 Quotation Bases[3] , on September one, two thousand twenty-two (01/09/2022) from eleven hours (11:00 am) to eleven hours and thirty minutes (11:30 am) electronically.
The supplier must send and submit its bid through the electronic form that the GUATECOMPRAS system enables and submit it in accordance with the terms and conditions of the process.
It is a public tender and Competitive Acquisition. The qualification criteria are as follows: Quality: 12%, Experience 48% and price 40%.

For more information, please contact:
Sara Santacruz,
Juan Francisco Sandoval,


[1] You can view the invitation at the following site:

[2] The area under analysis corresponds to the six communities established in the Community Outreach Plan, known as the ACERCA plan, which is prepared in compliance with article thirty-eight (38) of the Law of Alliances for the Development of Economic Infrastructure, Decree sixteen guideline two thousand ten (16-2010), which establishes that when the project warrants it, mechanisms must be established and executed for outreach, information and communication with the communities in which the project will be carried out.

[3] See Quotation Bases in the Bases tab of the process at